My Group's Invitation Card

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

At this time, I'm going to show you an invitation card that me and my group friends (Puspa, Nur'Adilah, Aliya, and Ratna) made at 11th of September 2018.

Take a look at it!

We made it using a box, carton paper, HVS paper, glue, double tape, silver ribbons, and some markers. We all worked hard together because we didn't expect the deadline to be so fast! And by the results, we were really proud with it, and I hope you do like it too!

So, the theme of this invitation card is Puspa and Fadhlan's wedding. We made it to invite people to attend their wedding. 


The invitation consists of:

An invitational message alongside with the information about the person who holds the invitation:
"Mr. and Mrs. Firdaus together with Mr. and Mrs. Prima invite you to the marriage of Puspa and Fadhlan."

"October 27th 2019"

"10.00 am"

"26th Mars st., Maldives Palace"

Extra information(s):
"Dress Code: Formal Dress (Navy Blue & White)"

"Please contact us to Fya Taufik : 0813 2038 6236"


That's all for this post, I hope you can gain some information and inspiration.
 Thank you for visiting and reading this page.


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